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Comments from Xia Zhiguang's fans on his latest Weibo post catch the attention of netizens. Earlier this month, he'd been spotted again with rumored girlfriend Zhong Lili.

R1SE member Xia Zhiguang was recently spotted in June holding hands with actress Zhong Lili. Dating rumors surrounding the two had previously arisen in October 2020, and it was speculated that the two had met at the Supernovae Games. After evidence was revealed in October, Xia Zhiguang apologized to fans on Weibo and he also gave a 90-degree bow in-person to several fans. After the most recent dating evidence from this month, netizens noticed that on Xia Zhiguang's Weibo account's most recent post, many of his fans were urging him to focus more on his career and the professional aspects of his life rather than dating. They urged him to focus instead on improving his acting skills and line delivery. Some urged him (sarcastically) to just get married with Zhong Lili.
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